Vampire Mythology
(Note: The mythology contained herein
is a mix of classic vampire lore, and
many other sources, including the
slightly deranged mind of the author.)
Drinking blood...
- Although a vampire does need to drink blood to
survive, he or she must also consume normal food and drink
as well.
- A vampire only needs a small amount of blood (about 1
pint a week) to survive, but may require more depending on
health, age, and fitness.
- A vampire must only drink live human blood. Drinking
from other sources (animals, preserved blood, such as is
found in blood banks, etc.) will result in severe abdominal
pain, and possibly lead to death.
- Sunligt will not kill a vampire. However, direct
sunlight can cause a severe sunburn within a matter of
- A sunburn can take a very long time to heal, depending
on the severity.
- With proper precautions, i.e. using a strong sunblock
and wearing clothing/hats that block the sun, a vampire can
function normally in the daytime, although most choose to
be nocturnal.
Sex and child bearing...
- Vampires can reproduce, even in mixed
- Any child borne of a vampire or mixed coupling will be
a normal human, the vampire trait is passed on only
through the sharing of blood.(see 'Making vampires...')
- Due to their heightened senses, sex for a vampire
produces incredibly strong orgasms. Vampires also have a
much greater sex drive than normal humans.
Making vampires...
- A vampire can 'make' another vampire through the
sharing of blood.
- The human being 'made' must choose to do so, willingly.
- The transformation takes place amazingly fast. The
canine teeth can actually be observed growing, and all
abilities can be used within hours of 'becoming'.
- Once 'made', a vampire instinctivally knows how to use
all of his or her powers. No instruction or training is
Special abilities...
- Flight - A vampire can fly at will, and can reach any
altitudes within normal tolerances. That is, no going into
space or other such nonsense. Fligt speed varies, but top
speed averages around 100mph.
- Stealth - A vampire can be almost invisible if he or
she so chooses, by hiding in the shadows and being totally
silent. They can also move very fast on the ground without
making a sound.
- Strength - Vampires posess superhuman strength. An
average vampire can lift over a half ton with little or no
difficulty. When enraged, lifting or moving something even
over a ton is no problem due to the adrenelin rush.
- Agility - Vampires are as quick and agile as ferrits or
cats, being able to turn on a dime while moving at great
speed, and making incredible leaps both running and
- Intelligence - A vampire has a photographic memory, and
once he or she learns something, it is there to stay. Many
of the great inventors and scholars were actually vampires.
Lifespan and mortality...
- Vampires, contrary to popular beliefs, aren't immortal.
They do, however, have a greatly decreased aging
cycle. A vampire will age only 1 year for every 100 human
- Vampires can be killed, but only in certain
ways.(see 'Killing a vampire...')
Killing a vampire...
- Stake through the heart...this may or may not work.
Vampires have a super increased healing ability, so unless
the heart is nearly completly destroyed, the vampire has a
good chance of recovering. And remember, a vampire NEVER
forgets a face...
- Fire...This is also iffy. Unless the body is completly
destroyed, they may heal and come back for revenge.
- Crosses, garlic, etc...These things do not bother a
vampire, unless he or she happens to be allergic to garlic,
or something like that. Vampires are not bothered by any
religeous icons, any more than humans are. That is to say,
if a vampire is atheist, for instance, he or she might take
offense at a cross, but it will do no actual harm.
- The only sure-fire way to kill a vampire is to
completly destroy the body.
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