A short intro and some info...
I actualy started writing ths story about 3 years ago, mainly intendng to kill some time. Well, as I started getting into it, I kept getting more and more ideas about where it would go. Oiginally, it was going to be a VERY short story, but after a long night of writing, I had already done WAAAAAAY more than I had intended to. It goes like that for me. I start writing, and I cant stop. My wife (Hi Lori! Love ya!!!) got curious about what I was spending so much time with and I let her read what I had done so far. She fell in love with it almost immediatly and insisted that I continue with it. I did a lot more work on it, up until we moved from Collinsville to Nashville (Illnois, not Tennessee)and after the move, I just didnt have much time to do much with it. Plus I had my computer (by the way, this was started on a Commodore 64...pretty scary, huh?) packed away and ust ever got around to unpacking the darn thing. Well, to make a long story short (even though my short story got long...heh heh heh...sorry..), We moved back to Collinsville last spring, and I have been writing again, though not as much as before. Then, last November, we got WebTV, and after learning HTML, I decided to put the story online so that others may enjoy (or hate) it. I won't bore you anymore...I know I tend to rattle on and on...just ask my wife!!! So here is a little bit about the story...an online 'cover note' if you will.....
This is a story about a small group of vampires living in the midwestern U.S. A couple of them are members of a heavy metal band, and are striving for stardom, which they are doing pretty well at, on a local level. There are also some evil vampires who are up to some very nasty stuff, and our heroes get involved with it as well, though on the opposing side. There are sure to be a few plot twists that may surprise you, and hopefully it all will make some kind of sense. So thanks for visiting the website, and I hope you enjoy my little story.
Robert Martin
Collinsville, Illinois
May 1, 1998