Here are some short bios of
the characters in the
Seth Harding - Seth is what you might call the 'leader' of the good vampires. He has been a vampire for about 10 years, and being 23 when he was 'made', he would have the outward appearance of a 24 year old. Seth has shoulder length, medium brown hair, steel gray eyes, and an athletic build. Many of his friends have told him that he looks like Charlie Sheen, but Seth doesn't think so. He is compassionate, and would do anything within his power to help out a friend in need.Sonya Teal - Sonya is sort of a kid sister to Seth. They grew up together and have always been very close friends. She was made into a vampire by Seth after disovering his secret and wanting the same gift. He was reluctant to do it, but has had no regrets since then. She has firey red hair which falls in waves to the middle of her back, and her Irish heritage is only augmented by her green eyes and quick temper. She and Carl have a mutual crush on each other, but whether it plays out remains to be seen.
Carl Richardson - Carl is the comedian of the group, always ready with a joke or a bad pun. He never fails to bring a smile to those around him, and is well liked because of this. He is 21 years old, the youngest of the gang, and plays bass for the band Hellion, along with drummer Stephen Kraft, and singer/guitar player Joe Davidson. He is not a vampire himself, and as of the moment has no idea that the others are. Carl has short, spiky blond hair and blue eyes. He would like to become involved with Sonya, but doesn't know how to approach her about it due to his friendship with her.
Tony Milhouse - Tony is a 26 year old computer whiz with long black hair and brown eyes. He keeps the gang up to date on the actions of the other known vampires through his connections on the internet. He tends to get moody sometimes, but usually Carl can cheer him up with one of his trademark 'groaner' jokes. Tony also designs graphics for the band, and prints out the flyers for their concerts.
Stephen Kraft - Stephen can best be described as a party animal first class. He has been known to have binges where he has been drunk for a week at a time, but since hooking up with Amanda, he has tamed down quite a bit, partly due to her insistance, and partly due to the fact that one of his best friends from high school was killed by a drunk driver a few months back. Stephen is an excellent drummer, and would very much like Hellion to become a headlining band in the US and elsewhere. His German ancestry can be seen in his long blond hair, bright blue eyes, and stocky build.
Amanda Jackson - Amanda had been a Hellion groupie, and became a vampire after a long drunken night with Stephen. He didn't remember doing it until she came up to him one night while he was 'hunting', and told him. They have been a couple since that night, and are known for their promiscuity (only with each other). They have been known to do it in every place and situation imaginable, including one particular night on top of the St. Louis Arch. Amanda has shoulder length, naturally curly black hair and hazel eyes. She can flirt with the best of them, but when it comes down to it, she only has eyes (among other things) for Stephen.
Joe Davidson - Joe is the singer/guitarist for Hellion, and looks like a slim version of Glen Danzig. He has long, straight, jet black hair, and his eyes are black. When he takes the stage, it is like he is posessed by a wildcat. He prowls around the stage, growling out the lyrics, augmented by feline like screams. His vocal prowess is only mached by his smoking leads on the guitar.
Brent Matthews - Brent is evil. Period. He is the ringleader of a small band of bad vampires, and has aspirations of greater power. He is cooking up a sinister plan which will unfold soon, drawing in the good vampires as well as more bad ones, and possibly being the death of many. He has short brown hair, brown eyes, and always dresses in the finest clothing he can steal.
Brenda Knight - Brenda is an ex-hooker who was drawn in by Brent's evil ways. She has long blond hair and green eyes. She is basically a good person, but with Brent filling her head with his ideas, that may soon change.
Jessie Black - Jessie lives up to his name by always wearing all black clothes, from his leather motorcycle jacket to his boots. He is Brent's main lackey, doing most of the dirty work. He is beginning to have doubts about this, however, and wonders if he should try to get out before its too late. Jessie is a John Stamos lookalike, and has, on occasion, been stopped by passerby and asked for an autograph. He usually obliges, only signing some kind of horrible thing like 'Hope ya rot..." or something like that.