 Chapter Three
     "No one's gonna find out!", Joe whispered back, "They all think it's some kind of stage magic, and that's what we'll let 'em think."
     "Well, what about Carl? How ya gonna explain this to HIM? How do you think he'll react when he findsout that his band-mates AND his friends are a bunch of blood suckers?" Seth asked.
     "He already knows. I'll explain later, now shut up already, someones coming over here!" said joe, leaving Seth with a puzzled look on his face.
     "Great show guys. You really gave me my money's worth tonight!". It was Mick, the owner of the club.
     "There's someone here who would like to meet you all. He's back in the office. Come on back when you're ready."

     They all gathered up their various belongings, and
headed towards the door at the back of the bar. It
opened into a small, but tastefully decorated
office/storage room.
     "Boys, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. James Whitmore. He's an agent from MegaMetal records."
     Introductions were made all around as everyone found a chair or box to sit on.
     "Boys, you are sitting on a gold mine with your music. And after seeing your show tonight...all I can say is WOW! I see from the local listings thatyou are the number one act in the St. Louis area. But I think you can be number one world-wide. With your talent, and those theatrics, you can sell out arenas all over the
globe! So how about it, Sign with me and I will make
you all superstars!
     "Well..." replied Joe "It's kind of a shock. Can we have some time to talk it over?"
     "No problem. Tell you what, let me give you a copy of the contract I had drawn up, and you all look it over, and let me know. If you see anything you want changed added, just let me know. Call me tomorrow evenin at my hotel, and we'll set up a meeting if you are
     James gave Joe a thick manilla envelope, saying "There are 3 copies of the contract in here. Heres a card with the hotel's number and my room number. I have some business to attend to now, so I will talk to you tomorrow. Nice meeting you all."
     Hands were shook all around, and they followed James out into the noise of the bar. Joe saw James leaving a few minutes later with a blonde on each arm. He smiled as he realized what Mr. Whitmore's 'business' entailed.

(More to come on chap. 3) (Check back later)
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