was a hot and humid evening. It had been raining off and on for the
last few hours, and the air just seemed to keep getting thicker by
the minute. Seths hair hung in his face in wet clumps. He didn't
other to brush it away from his eyes as he walked down the winding
road. He was lost in his thoughts, tryng to get a grip on things.
He had just got a letter from his fiancee', Kelly, who was stationed
in Korea.
She was in the Air Force, and things had been tense between them
even before she got transferred from Scott AFB Illinois to
a temporary base on Korea. In her letter, she told him that she had
met someone else, and would not be returning home to Illinois. It
was sure to happen sooner or later, he thought, but t still hurt.
She didn't know his secret, and he had a feeling that if she did,
she would not have understood what a gift it was. He shook his head
slowly, trying to get her out of his mind.
He walked down Bethel road, not hearing the crickets and frogs that had
begun thier long night of singing after the rains, and oblivious
to the figure that shadowed him from above. As he rounded a sharp
curve, the figure swept down in front of him. The split second he
saw her, he jumped back quick as a ferret, and doubled his fists,
ready for action.
"Hey, watch it, it's only me!" she said. It was Sonya Teal.
"What in the hell are ya trying to do, get your teeth knocked in?"
Seth asked her, the adrenelin still coursing through his veins.
"Sorry, I thought you would have known I was tailing you. The
only reason I didn't stop you earlier is 'cuz I figued you needed some
time alone. Forgive me?" She smiled, and Seth smiled back at her.
"Of course I do, I'm sorry, I've just been so wound up lately, with
Kelly and all."
"S'o k. Must be rough. Anyhow, Tony is looking for ya, said he needs
to see you soon. Wouldn't tell me what for though. He sounded pretty
exited though. Must be important."
"I wonder what he's into now. I guess I'd better get over there.
Coming along?"
"No, I'll catch up with ya later on. I got to get out to Dingo's.
I promised Joe I'd catch the show tonight. Says he has something
special planned. They should be done by one or so, so we'll see ya
"O.k., We might drop by if we get time. See ya later."
He gave Sonya a quick hug
and rose silently into the damp sky. Sonya stood there for a second,
then flipped her firey red hair out of her eyes, and followed suit,
but heading in the opposite direction.
It took Seth about fifteen minutes to fly the few miles to Tony's apartment.
Normally it wouldn't take so long, but it was still early in the evening,
and he didn't want to be spotted. He landed about a block away, behind
a vacant house, and walked the rest of the way. He didn't even reach the
door when Tony flung it open and yelled to him, "Get in here! This
is big!"
Dingo's was packed, as usual. Sonya still didn't see how they could
fit so many people into such a small place, but they did. There was
even a crowd in the outdoor area, despite the weather. Hellion hadn't
taken the stage yet, so Sonya made her way through the throng
of people to the bar, and bought a soda. She then made her way over to
the stage, and scanned the tables near there until she spotted Joe and
Carl. She finally ade it to their table and sat down.
"Where's Amanda and Stephen?" she asked.
"They went to grab a quick bite before the show." Joe replied, with
a sly wink.
"And probably a quickie, too!" laughed Carl, the bass player, causing
Sonya and Joe to crack up as well. Amanda and Stephen were known
for their promiscuity.
"So, what's the big surprise you have planned?" Sonya asked Joe.
"You'll have to wait and see, like everyone else. I guarantee it
will knock the socks offa' everyone in the place!" He said with a
big grin.
"Oh, c'mon, tell me, pleeeeeeease???" She batted her eylashes at
him, "I'll give you a cookie!".
"I'll take your cookies anytime, cutiepie!" said Carl slyly.
"Oh, get a life!", Sonya replied playfully. She knew Carl had a crush
on her, but she hadn't told him that it was mutual. She was just
waiting to see if he would break out of his shyness enough to tell
"I hope our lovebirds get back pretty quick, we go on in fifteen minutes."
said Joe, going over to the stage to start tuning his Stratocaster.
Carl followed him after downing the last of his Bud light.
Amanda and Stephen did indeed have a quickie. Two of them, as a matter
of fact, both airborne. During the second go-round, Amandas panited
slipped off her anke and drifted down, landing in the back seat of
a convertible full of teenaged boys out for a joyride.
"Bet they talk about THAT for a long time!" said Stephen, giggling,
"Just picture it, 'Manda, one of those pimply faced dweebs whacking
the weenie with your panties on his face!" He laughed.
She elbowed him in the ribs, saying "That's gross! Leave it t YOU
to think of something like that!"
"What's so gross about it, I do it all the time!"
"Yeah, but I'm IN them at the time, sweetheart, and I'M the one doing
the stroking."
"Ok, ok, point taken. Hey, we better fly, no pun intended, show starts
in about five minutes!"
They swooped down towards the bar, landing in the city's nearby maintainence
yard, behing a pile of gravel. They sprinted to the bar, and Stephen
had time for a quick swallow of the warm beer thet Joe left on the
table before getting behing his drumset.
Amanda took a seat next to Sonya as the lights begin to dim.
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